16 July 2009

I move that we adjourn this meeting!

Last February, I took this photo down near Helmeringhausen of a 'sun spider' in the class Solifugae. It's not a real spider, and it's also not a scorpion. But it is an arachnid, and it looks pretty mean. It has those big chelicerae which supposedly can really pinch you pretty good.

Today, I listened to Polytechnic Nature Conservation students in their second year--they were presenting results from their research projects that they conducted during their in-service training last semester.

One student did his in-service on Solifugae diversity in Namibia. Turns out there are about 30 species in the country. There are many common names for these critters, including camel spider, Kalahari Ferrari, sun scorpion, and my favorite..."eyambulokungi".

In Oshivambo, that means "he who breaks up a meeting."

1 comment:

Gary said...

That's a great name!